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Exclusion List

Learn how to blacklist prospects' email addresses, domains, and LinkedIn URLs

Vincenzo Ruggiero avatar
Written by Vincenzo Ruggiero
Updated over 6 months ago

What is the Exclusion List?

With the exclusion list (blacklist or unsubscribed list) you can make sure that the prospects added to the list will not be contacted again in the future by any of your users.

How to add a prospect to the Exclusion List?

From the Exclusion List page (admins only)

You can add an email address or LinkedIn URL to your Exclusion list or exclude an entire email domain name, even if it is not saved as a prospect in your account.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Exclusion List page.

  2. Click on the Add items button.

  3. Enter the email addresses, LinkedIn URLs, and/or domain names you want to exclude, 1 item per line.

  4. Click on the Add to Exclusion List button.

If the excluded email address, domain, or LinkedIn URL belongs to a prospect in your account, the prospect is excluded but not deleted. The history and prospect data remain in your account.

From the prospect's panel

  1. Click on a prospect you want to exclude (that will open the prospect's panel).

  2. Click on the Actions button on the top right of the screen.

  3. Click Add to exclusion list.

Both the email address and the LinkedIn URL are excluded.

From the list view in bulk

  1. Navigate to the prospects page in your campaign and select the needed leads.

  2. Click on Manage prospects.

  3. Click Add to Exclusion List.

Both the email addresses and the LinkedIn URLs are excluded.

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