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CRM integrations settings

Connect your Salesforce, Hubspot, or Pipedrive account to and set up the integration

Vincenzo Ruggiero avatar
Written by Vincenzo Ruggiero
Updated over 6 months ago

Choose the CRM you want to connect (Salesforce, Hubspot, or Pipedrive) from the Features & Integrations page.

Integration Setup

You must configure all the User Mapping and Field Mapping tabs settings.

User mapping

Match prospects' owners in Overloop with users in your CRM.

If you want to copy all emails that you send via in your CRM, you can add the BCC address here. If you have multiple users, you can set a unique BCC address for each user or keep one main BCC address.

Field mapping

Define how data matches between Overloop and your CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, or Pipedrive)

Some fields, such as the prospect's email, first and last name, are set to the corresponding field in the integrated app by default. However, all other fields can be matched to the relevant field of your choice.

To customize the field mapping, choose the needed fields from the drop-downs.

Be careful when assigning fields to one another. Matching fields should be of the same type in Overloop and the CRM: a date field should match a date field, a text field should be matched to a text field, etc.

Record Types

Select the needed option from the drop-down to switch between the field mapping for different record types.

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